
Lineups 29.6. Lahti vs Kemi


Jaro vs TPS: Öhberg, Moore, Macomba, Brunell, Curinga, Dixon, Kronholm, Soto, Niang, Morin


FIN matches June 29th

Odds from local bookie Veikkaus.

JJK 's Barcelona signing

I let you read the whole story from the original source. Have not seen him in action, but I rather would judge him the same way JJK manager does and forget all the hype and optimism.


FOREIGNERS TRYING TO SPEAK FINNISH | Learn Finnish with footballers

By RoPS striker William John.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ua-MTOrNNyw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Interview of a buffalo - HJK striker Alfedo Morales (in spanish)



Los banquillos de Heysel: Un búfalo en Helsinki (Crónica-entrevista con Alfredo Morelos)

El frío en Finlandia, particularmente en Helsinki, la capital, no es de juego. Y para Alfredo M...
 Los Banquillos de Heysel: Nos juran crédulos
 Los Banquillos de Heysel: Hay que volver a gustarnos
 Los banquillos de Heysel: Luisito, el mayordomo
El frío en Finlandia, particularmente en Helsinki, la capital, no es de juego. Y para Alfredo Morelos, cordobés de pura cepa, mucho menos. Acostumbrado a habitar bajo el moteado del inclemente sol cereteano (que oscila entre los 30 y 35 grados) y criado en la región ganadera de Córdoba, al norte de Colombia, esos fríos “le pegaron duro”, sobre todo los primeros días, afirma. Morelos es un muchacho alto, de tez morena avellanada, pelo lacio corto y de trato afable. Cuando respondió a las preguntas del periodista caían rutilantes 12 grados sobre la pintoresca capital de Finlandia que, en postales, parece sacada con pinzas de un cuadro de Monet y puesta aleatoriamente al nordeste de Europa. La ciudad es un acontecimiento; por ello en la variada gama de tours que hay por la gélida cuna de las antítesis, siempre se ofrece titulando “Conozca el corazón de Escandinavia y Helsinki”. ¿Porqué? Por que allá se propone matrimonio, por tradición, de parte de la mujer al hombre y, por error de diseño o pura corazonada anarquista, la puerta de acceso a los vagones del tren tiene pintada una mano de seis dedos, entre muchas otras que conforman un envidiable repertorio de trivialidades curiosas (y políticamente incorrectas). Morelos comenta que, a la par del idioma, el clima ha sido el talón de Aquiles en su adaptación al país y a la ciudad. El periodista lo entiende, porque no ha de ser fácil para alguien que, fuera de nacer en tierra tropical donde impera un calor sofocante y se habla un dialecto diferente a cualquier otro debajo del sol, pasó los anteriores seis años de su vida en una ciudad que no por nada es apodada bajo el calificativo de la “eterna primavera”. Para colmo, desde donde el periodista escribe hacen, comparados, unos insignificantes 19 grados, y este siente que le reemplazaron los huesos por bastones de cristal humeantes y en deshielo. Es todo ciertamente entendible.

En la costa caribe colombiana, la escena de una banda de niños dando patadas en calles polvorientas de pavimento caliente a una creación autóctona de paños amarrados en forma circular denominada “bola de trapo” es común. Y en Cereté, a principios de siglo, Alfredo Morelos era uno de esos niños. Desde los cinco años, dice, tomó conciencia de que lo suyo era el fútbol, y con el apoyo incondicional de su padre, que a pesar de sus limitaciones económicas siempre lo alentó, se enfundó su primera casaca, la del club Los Fumigadores en su natal Cereté:

− En muchos de los torneos que jugábamos yo quedaba de goleador, tanto en Los Fumigadores como con la selección Córdoba en los torneos nacionales. Siempre supe que sería delantero.

Cuando un día de verano los ojeadores del Independiente Medellín paseaban por Cereté buscando talentos para incorporar a su cantera, les causó curiosidad un morochito que no se cansaba de hacer goles en un equipo de la ciudad; lo fueron a ver con altas expectativas que, al final, se cumplieron con creces. Ese día Morelos marcó varios goles y los ojeadores no dudaron. Se lo llevaron a Medellín junto a otros dos compañeros para probarse con la cantera del equipo y, si tenían suerte, ser incorporados al club. Con cero nervios, temple de acero y determinado a dar un paso más para acercarse a su sueño, Morelos fue el único de los tres muchachos cordobeses que pasó la prueba para las inferiores del “Poderoso”:

− Pasar la prueba fue el primer paso. A partir de allí empezó mi proceso con el Medellín, y me fue tan bien que a los seis meses de estar trabajando en las inferiores me ascendieron al equipo profesional.

Empezó a trabajar con el plantel profesional que dirigía Pedro Sarmiento (aunque el principal valedor de su llegada fue Hernán Darío “Bolillo” Gómez), un viejo ídolo del eterno rival que, como jugador, había hecho parte, entre otros, del mítico América de Cali dirigido por el médico Ochoa Uribe que cayó en 3 finales continentales seguidas, suceso que muchos atañen a la mitología, a una archiconocida maldición comúnmente denominada “La maldición del garabato”. Con Sarmiento, un tipo rígido, fuerte y metódico, se ganó el apodo que hasta hoy lo persigue: “El Búfalo”:

− El apodo me lo puso el cuerpo técnico del profesor Sarmiento. Me decían el Búfalo de Cereté. No sé cómo se les ocurrió.

Morelos se define como un delantero “potente, fuerte y de buen juego aéreo, que le gusta encarar”. Dice que se siente más cómodo jugando con un compañero arriba y recuerda con cariño su primer gol como profesional. La noche que significó la puntada inicial para un registro que, hasta el sol de hoy y en 3 años sin mucha continuidad, acomoda cinco goles como profesional, cuatro de ellos en Finlandia. La primera diana la marcó ante Envigado, en un partido por Copa Colombia; un centro desde la izquierda de Daniel Hernández en el minuto diecinueve y un testarazo certero de Morelos para poner a ganar a un Medellín que aquel día sello un triunfo por dos goles a cero.

Arribó este año al Helsinki, principal equipo de Finlandia y absoluto dominador del rentado local, en calidad de cedido y con apenas diecinueve años. Todos los pasos de su carrera han ido a velocidad centrífuga, llegó temprano a donde muchos anhelan llegar y, muy a pesar de todo, no ha dejado de ser el muchacho humilde, centrado y trabajador que abandonó Cereté con una maleta cargada de sueños a cuestas. Al llegar, dice, le dio duro tener que combatir el jet lag, habituarse al cambio de horario (Finlandia tiene ocho horas más que Colombia) y pactar una tregua con el cuerpo en la silenciosa batalla a la hora de dormir, cuando su reloj interno estaba, literalmente, al revés:

− Me costó acoplarme a la dormida y a los horarios, ese vacío que sentía era muy terrible. Pero bueno, todo en la vida se puede y yo estoy cómodo y habituado a Helsinki.

Con sus compañeros, algunos con extenso bagaje europeo como el ariete finés Forssell (con paso, entre otros, por Chelsea, Birmingham o Hannover) o el nigeriano Taiwo (ex Milan) se lleva bien, a pesar que reconoce no entenderles casi nada de lo que dicen. “Aunque no les entiendo es agradable compartir el día a día con ellos” asevera. Tiene consigo a un amigo colombiano que le traduce para “estar más informado sobre lo que quiere el técnico para la táctica de los partidos” y en ocasiones los compañeros le colaboran para cuadrarse con las horas de entrenamiento y de partido:

− Pero eso no es todo el tiempo. Solo en ocasiones. Yo siempre estoy pendiente y pregunto cada cosa, todo marcha muy bien. Intento ayudarme de todos los recursos que puedo porque el objetivo es ser el goleador del equipo y de la liga, para darle muchas alegrías a la hinchada que me ha acogido muy bien y es muy agradable tenerlos del lado de uno.

Los días de partido se levanta temprano y mentaliza para dar lo mejor de sí porque, según afirma, está allí “para aprovechar todas las oportunidades y dar siempre el máximo”; dice estar muy agradecido con Dios por todas las oportunidades y se manifiesta contento de jugar para el equipo más grande del país. Del fútbol finés comenta que es “rápido, fuerte y muy agresivo. Hay mucho contacto, más del que la gente cree”, lo que invita a pensar que el balompié escandinavo, de amateur, tiene poco.

Fuera del campo es un tipo muy familiar. Aprovecha los ratos libres para salir a dar un paseo con su esposa por Helsinki, ya sea a un centro comercial o a cualquiera de los distintos lugares turísticos de la ciudad, que afirma por experiencia propia son “muchos y muy lindos”. Todos los días se conecta con sus padres y hermanas en Cereté por video chat para no perder la costumbre y en su apartamento suena desde vallenato hasta champeta, salsa o reguetón, irrumpiendo en el silencio semi sepulcral de un país muy dual en sus costumbres y creencias, pero que conserva su aire metodista. Cada que puede también dedica un rato a seguir el fútbol colombiano, a pesar de la dificultad por la diferencia horaria:

− Claro que miro mucho fútbol de Colombia. Siempre estoy pendiente. Sigo sobre todo a mi equipo, el Medellín, que fue donde me formé y fueron los que me dieron la oportunidad de estar donde estoy.

La vuelta de la selección Colombia a unas justas olímpicas no le sorprende pues él, habiendo sido partícipe de procesos Sub-20 con Carlos “Piscis” Restrepo, es consciente del talento que sobreabunda en las categorías menores del fútbol nacional:

− No es casualidad, el talento que hay allí es impresionante.

Morelos se siente dichoso de ser embajador del país en el extranjero, manifiesta que quiere hacer muchos más goles y esperar a su tiempo tener la oportunidad de representar a la selección Colombia de mayores. Dice que, de regresar al país, volvería un Alfredo Morelos distinto al que se fue: Uno más maduro, con mayor experiencia, ritmo futbolístico y, de seguro, con más personalidad y carácter. Su propósito al vestirse de corto cada domingo y correr tras un balón va más allá del dinero. Asegura que, fuera de sacar a toda su familia adelante y asegurarle un buen futuro a su esposa, quiere ayudar a muchos niños de escasos recursos para que salgan adelante con el fútbol, sobre todo en el club que lo vio nacer, los Fumigadores de Cereté. Tiene un lado filantrópico que pocos conocen:

− Quiero ayudar a muchos niños para que saquen adelante a sus familias. Colaborarle en todo lo que pueda al club que me formó como profesional y como persona. Ayudar a mucha gente pobre.

Profesionalmente hablando, anhela quedarse en Europa, seguir creciendo a pasos agigantados como lo ha hecho y llegar con el tiempo a alguno de los clubes más grandes del continente. Cuando el periodista le pregunta por el compañero con mayor talento con el que ha jugado, duda. Se decanta por varios nombres, entre ellos Daniel Torres, Cristian Marrugo y dos enemigos naturales de posición: los porteros David González y Anthony Silva. Dice que, futbolísticamente, es el fruto de los granos de arena en forma de consejos que han puesto en él cada uno de los entrenadores que ha tenido; pero recuerda con especial cariño a Hernán Torres y su entonces asistente “Chusco” Sierra “porque me dieron la oportunidad de jugar con cierta continuidad”.

En la actualidad es el tercer goleador del torneo finés y el primero de su equipo junto al nipón Tanaka y el nigeriano Taiwo, todos con cuatro dianas. No por nada al preguntarle por su ídolo futbolístico responde, dubitativo una vez más, que le gustan varios como Falcao, Bacca o Luis Suárez.

Hoy lleva una vida cómoda y sosegada, está feliz y agradecido con Dios por todo lo recibido y espera que en el camino vengan triunfos, alegrías y, sobre todo, muchos goles. Sobre su futuro aún no sabe, aunque no descarta quedarse en tierras escandinavas; por eso habrá que ver si, cuando él ya esté durmiendo después de darse el feliz año con su esposa este diciembre en la fría Helsinki, su familia aún esté tirando voladores, bailando cañonazos y tarareando la tonada que incita a correr a casa y abrazar a la mamá:

− Hay que ver qué pasa, aún no hay nada seguro, pero no me disgustaría en absoluto.


FIN matches Thu June 23rd

Local odds for today and Ykkönen early odds below.

Not much to think about. Three games, one in the league and two cup semifinals. A quick look at them below. Picks published already at the Blogabet service.

Kemi vs RoPS is a so called Lapland derby, and first of its kind for a long time.Also Kemi stadion has been renewed recently and for some people up there this is a BIG match.

Both miss about half a team. In Kemi's case it means that the super important striker Ions is suspended, at RoPS it is just a normal case of several regulars being ruled out.

With best possible lineups it would easy to make a case of Kemi counters, now as Ions is out it is not at all that attractive idea. RoPS lineup may look that much weakened that I expect their odds to rise from current 0 @ 1.92 and Kemi will turn into favourites at the markets.

Even, low-scoring, first goal wins kind of a game.



In the cup semifinals Finland' s top two teams are both away. As there is no heavy schedule this is the match they have been able to concentrate for some time, and as they have no big injury worries either it is well acceptable that both are such big favourites even away. Next week SJK will travel to meet BATE, RoPS have a match in Dublin and HJK in Lithuania, but that is next week, not today.

Most important missing or doubtful players

Lahti - Solovyev, Hostikka, Shala
Haka -
Kemi - Ions
RoPS - most of the players mentioned are doubtful, not guaranteed to be out. Long list.

Too bad it is Midsommer! Both matches should have full attendances because of the stakes and general interest, but so many people have made their holiday plans ready a long before the cup draw was made and the stands may be half empty.

No action in Finland this weekend from Friday to Monday and Finland changes to holiday mode and moves out to the countryside.


Matchreport translation experiment by Google Translate: HIFK vs AIK

From AIK website.

AIK lost the victory in the end

AIK had 2-0 in the break on the Sonera Stadium after goals by Alexander Isaac and Carlos Strandberg and led by two goals at the 81st minute, when IFK Helsinki reduced, and in the 87th minute leveled the home team, which also was the end result. In stoppage time pulled Ahmed Yasin has received a red card after being shoved off an opponent after the whistle.

Dress rehearsal for the upcoming qualifying game in the UEFA Europa League were on the program and AIK had Tuesday afternoon flown to its closest eastern neighbor. It was the first time that AIK played at Sonera Stadium, named Finnair Stadium until 2010, located in central Helsinki western part called Töölö. Next door to the arena is including the Olympic Stadium was the main venue for the Olympic Games in 1952. During the first half 5-6 gulls flew back and forth along the main grandstand and it felt as if you were sitting in a port drinker.

The match began somewhat cautious, but in the fourth minute, it was not far from the goal for AIK after Johan Blomberg from the left side struck something between a post and shot bolt Spirit sailed just off the far end. Three minutes later came Carlos Strandberg into the penalty area on the left side and centered the ball to Alexander Isaac, who cut immediately, but goalkeeper Alessandro Marzuoli managed a block to prevent a goal for the visitors. Even closer was AIK in the eighth minute when amin affane elegantly chipped the ball over the back line and up to the Johan Blomberg left of the penalty area. Blomberg had time before the advancing goalkeeper and got past him, but one meter before the finish line caught my hill Juho Pirttijoki it up and cleaned to a corner.

The first half was lively and it was mainly AIK who was fit and they dominated most of the opening 45 minutes and should have closed the game there and then. Especially along the left side AIK came in wave after wave. In the 15th minute osade however hot in AIK's penalty after Oscar Linner had gone out far to the right in the same and missed the ball. The forward Ville Salmikivi got a giant position against the half-open target, but threw a shot high over. A well deserved goal for AIK also came in the 22nd minute after Christos Gravius ​​blocking an opponent and at the same time got the ball to Alexander Isaac outside the penalty area. Isaac held the ball, poked it a bit to the side and finished coolly.

2-0 to AIK came eight minutes later after Carlos Strandberg got hold of the ball on the left hand side, advanced into the penalty area and finished with class. From the relatively narrow angle put the ball in the far-right end. AIK continued to have a clearly superior ball possession but failed to create the really hot goal opportunities, the nearest further objectives came after a free kick from Johan Blomberg left outside the penalty area that goalkeeper had little trouble and dropped back, but managed to capture the . Helsinki created a scoring chance to stop time when Fredrik Larsson's free kick out of the good location slightly to the right of the penalty box shot over AIK goal. AIK clear advantage after the first half.

The home team changed six players ahead of the second act and AIK replaced amin affane with Ahmed Yasin. Helsinki took direct command and held it in principle throughout the half. AIK was not at all up to the same level as in the first half. The pace was significantly lower in the second half, but it was the home team who were trying to be offensive. Scoring opportunity are loose, however, absent until the 67th minute when right-back Matias Hänninen surprisingly drew from about 25 meters and the ball whizzed just outside Oscar Linner's left-hand post. AIK had a decent location in the 75th minute when Johan Blomberg from the left corner flag blasted a free kick in the penalty area as the substitute Denni Avdic caught up at the far post and played in front of goal, but no AIK player was on hand to poking it into the goal.

When the clock just passed 80 minutes played understudy Daniel Rantanen ball left outside AIK's penalty area and scored with a surprising shot that sailed into the nearest corner. The goal gave the home team more energy and pursuit of the equalizer began in earnest. AIK got a golden counterattack location in the 82nd minute, when Eero Markkanen got the ball and poked it forward to Denni Avdic little to the right of the penalty area, but the finish was unsuccessful. With just over three minutes left of normal time caught Juho Mäkelä up a back pass and rounded the goalkeeper before he simply poked 2-2 before a scarce, but blessed home crowd. The turnaround came close to completion in the 91st minute when Joni Korhonen stepped in from the right and fired a shot that went just outside the far left corner. The match last scoring chance was AIK after a short free kick on the right wing went to Anton Salétros who lifted the ball toward the far end where Denni Avdic with a nod centered ball and after a bit of bouncing, it concluded Sauli Väisänen who shot over. In the closing seconds became a little commotion in conjunction with the whistle and Ahmed Yasin received a red card after being pushed away an opponent who seemed to do most to enhance the situation. Complete Match facts are further down this page.

Text: Stefan Meller Borg


match Report
Training Match 2016 Match 10
Tuesday, June 21, 2016, 18:30
IFK Helsinki - AIK 2-2 (0-2)
21:28 0-1 Alexander Isaac (Christos Gravius) - spelmål [right shot, about 18m]
29:24 0-2 Carlos Strandberg (-) - spelmål [left shot, about 9m]
46:28 End of first half
45:00 Substitution HIFK (Vesala out, Jurvainen in)
45:00 Substitution HIFK (Terävä out, Sihvola in)
45:00 Substitution HIFK (Mansiamina out, Mäkelä in)
45:00 Substitution HIFK (Taulo out, Mapoka in)
45:00 Substitution HIFK (Lassas out, Rantanen in)
45:00 Substitution HIFK (Salmikivi out, Korhonen in)
45:00 Substitution (AIK Affane out, Yasin in)
61:03 Substitution HIFK (Gela out, Mustonen in)
63:51 Substitution (AIK Ofori out, Salétros in)
69:40 Substitution (AIK Strandberg out, Avdic in)
75:15 Substitution (AIK Isaac out, Markkanen in)
75:34 Substitution (AIK Blomberg out, Eliasson in)
80:02 1-2 Daniel Rantanen (-) - spelmål [right shot, about 21m]
86:41 2-2 Juho Mäkelä (-) - spelmål [right shot, about 8m]
89:00 Yellow card for Alfred Mapoka, HIFK (hard game)
92:51 Red card for Ahmed Yasin, AIK (unsportsmanlike conduct)
93:01 Yellow card for Tuomas Mustonen, HIFK (unsportsmanlike conduct)
93:46 End of second half
Audience: x xxx at Sonera Stadium, Helsinki, Finland [artificial]

AIK (4-4-2): 34 Oscar Linner - 21 Daniel Sundgren, 15 Sauli Väisänen, 4 Nils-Eric Johansson (K), 32 Patrick Kpozo - 39 amin affane (ht), 31 Christos Gravius, 17 Ebenezer Ofori (64 '), 8 Johan Blomberg (76') - 36 Alexander Isaac (76 '), 22 Carlos Strandberg (70').
Substitutions: 19 Ahmed Yasin (ht), 29 Anton Salétros (64 '), 10 Denni Avdic (70'), 11 Eero Markkanen (76 '), 28 Niclas Eliasson (76'), 3 Per Karlsson, 13 Kyriakos Stamatopoulos (mv ).
Coach: Rikard Norling (45 years, fifth season in AIK).
Other leaders on the bench: Nebojša Novaković (assistant coach), Thomas Thudin (goalkeeper coach), Luis Oyarzo (chiropractor), John Smith (fitness coach), Åke Andersson (equipment manager), Patric Jildefalk (video analyst).

HIFK (4-1: 4-1): 25 Alessandro Marzuoli - 18 Matias Hänninen, 15 Juho Pirttijoki, 5 Jukka Sinisalo, 4 Tommi Vesala (ht) - 6 Xhevdet Gela (62 ') - 22 Fredrik Larsson's (ht), 21 Ville Taulo (ht), Esa Terävä 13 (F) (HT), 20 Rickson Mansiamina (ht) - 26 Ville Salmikivi (HT).
Substitutions: 7 Daniel Rantanen (ht), 9 Pekka Sihvola (ht), 10 Juho Mäkelä (ht), 12 Otto-Pekka Jurvainen (ht), 14 Alfred Mapoka (ht), 31 Joni Korhonen (ht), 16 Tuomas Mustonen ( 62 '), 3 Pauli Kuusijärvi, 71 Carl Johan Eriksson (MW).
Coach: Jani Honkavaara (40 years, sixth season of IFK Helsinki).

Shots on goal: 14-14 (5-10)
- The goal: 5-5 (1-5)
- Outside: 6-4 (3-2)
- The goal in the meantime: 0-0 (0-0)
- Covered shots: 3-5 (1-3)
Free kicks: 8-15 (6-6)
Corners: 2-5 (1-4)
Offside: 4-5 (3-2)

Individual player statistics
Shots on goal (the goal / outside / in goal in the meantime / covered): Blomberg (1/1/0/1), Avdic (0/1/0/0), Väisänen (0/1/0/0), Sundgren ( 1/0/0/0), Strandberg (1/0/0/1), Salétros (0/0/0/1), Gravius ​​(0/1/0/0), Isaac (2/0/0 / 2).

Free Kicks (for / against): Johansson (1/2), Blomberg (2/0), Väisänen (2/1) Ofori (1/0), Sundgren (1/1), Strandberg (1/1), Eliasson (1/1), Gravius ​​(2/0), Kpozo (0/1), Isaac (2/1), Affane (1/0), hand of HIFK first

Offside: Blomberg 1, Avdic 1, 2 Strandberg, Affane first

Blocked shots: 1 Johansson, Väisänen 1, HIFK own players first

Head Judge: Marko Grönholm, Turku
Assistant referees: Mika Lamppu, Turku
Assistant referees: Veli-Matti Leppänen, Turku
Fourth official: Oliver Reitala, Helsinki
Match Delegate:?

match Costume
AIK black shirt, white pants, striped socks svartgul
AIK goalkeeper: Gold-colored sweater, gold pants, gold-colored socks with white stripes, neon green gloves
IFK red shirt, black pants, white socks
IFK-keeper: Light blue sweater, light blue trousers, light blue socks with black stripes, black and white gloves
Judge: Yellow shirts, black pants, yellow socks

Sunny and clear (no precipitation), +18 ° C to +20 ° C, southwesterly wind 4 (6-7) m / s. Humidity 66-71%. Pressure 1015 hPa. The sun went down at 22:50.

* The match was the third meeting with IFK Helsinki-time. AIK has noted 1V-1O-1F.
* The match was AIK's first at Sonera Stadium.
* The match was AIK's tenth friendly match in 2016. AIK has noted 2V-5O-3F.

AIK made kickoff and began playing the northwest. Sauli Väisänen was off the field due to head injury between 09:09 and 15:09. Juho Pirttijoki was off the field because of injury between 58:11 and 60:02. Jukka Sinisalo assumed captain miter Esa Terävä was replaced. Match Ball of Select (Elite Veikkausliiga) were used. Man of the match was named Carlos Strandberg (AIK) and Joni Korhonen (HIFK) signed by then no one was officially appointed. Haukur Hauksson (Iceland A), Stefan Ishizaki, Jos Hooiveld and Patrik Carlgren (Sweden A) was missing. The match was broadcast live on the Ilta-Sanomat TV.

Fact: Stefan Meller Borg


FIN matches on Wed June 22nd

From yesterday 's HIFK vs AIK there is a match report in Swedish. Google translate should handle it rather well unlike Finnish language.


Nothing today.

Well, almost nothing, there is U20 Ykkönen and Kolmonen but nothing really to comment or give background. Bet365 have chosen so far only 2 of the U20 matches but there are even more to be played.

No update to this page today, a few possible low key bets possible at Blogabet service.


Tuesday June 21st FIN matches

Short list for today and if there are any picks they will published at https://ftfinland.blogabet.com/ when there is enough info, value and markets.

At Kakkonen Kiffen vs EsPa.  -0.75/3 are the current lines at asian markets but only IBC and Singbet offer it this early in the morning with low limits. Edit: SBO just joined too and Singbet raised limits.

At women 's cup 1/8-finals PK-35 will host one of Ykkönen top clubs JyPK. To simplify things we can assume JyPK class to be somewhere between TiPS and ONS, perhaps NiceFutis would be the closest example? 1.10 for home win offered and this is the eternal question here, by how many goals PK-35 win and what will the handicap be?

JyPK made a shock surprise in the cup by winning Ilves after 0-0 and penalties, but there were some 20-30 Ilves shots in the match and the result does not quite tell the whole truth.

There is one club friendly between Veikkausliiga and Allsvenskan clubs. HIFK vs AIK at probably very empty Sonera stadion. Both have promised to play with a good lineup, and as Allsvenskan would be one step ahead for FIN players the low odds at eurobookies are well justified. 

AIK have published this list of players: 4 important players missing because of injuries or EURO2016 but it does not mean much. Two Finnish players in the list too and both should get a lot of playing time. CB Väisänen and  striker Markkanen. (Ex-JJK, ex-Real Madrid ;))

  3 Per Karlsson

  4 Nils-Eric Johansson

  8 Johan Blomberg

10 Denni Avdić

11 Eero Markkanen

13 Kyriakos Stamatopoulos (mv)

15 Sauli Väisänen

17 Ebenezer Ofori
19 Ahmed Yasin
21 Daniel Sundgren
22 Carlos Strandberg
28 Niclas Eliasson
29 Anton Salétros
31 Christos Gravius
32 Patrick Kpozo
34 Oscar Linnér (mv)
36 Alexander Isak
39 Amin Affane

Asians opened also :

There are a lot of Kolmonen matches too and I might have an idea or two in the pocket. We will see! Bet365, Tipico, ISN etc offer all or most of those.

One Ykkönen U20 match too, TKT-HIK. Very poor clubs both, hobby boys.


For Thu 23rd cup semifinals Singbet opened the early markets.

Highlights KäPa vs Gnistan FT 2-0

Well deserved.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vYSktm6UldE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

BK-46 vs Honka stats

A bit strange ones, a lot of corners without much use. It was actually BK-46 whot got the last 3. BK-46 were the first team to score vs Honka since the season opener. Well done!

FIN clubs in Europe 2016

To be updated. Only HJK do have an easy opponent for the first round for sure, the others will be more or less in trouble.

The champions will face of these in the first (and last at the same time) round:

Group 3 seeded: Celtic (SCO), BATE Borisov (BLR), FC København (DEN), Rosenborg (NOR), Crvena zvezda (SRB), FH Hafnarfjördur (ISL)

End the draw gave BATE to SJK. Good luck and good bye SJK. About similar class Dinamo Minsk dropped MyPa 2014 with aggregate of 3-0 although it should had been about 10-0. Now SJK is a better club than MyPa was then, but there is quite a gap in class.

Last time FIN club was at Belarus was 2014 when Dinamo Minsk hosted MyPa. The 3-0 FT score was flattering the visitors strongly. Below stats chart from Soccerway:

Atlantas vs HJK

Shamrock Rovers vs RoPS

Odds BK vs MIFK 

are the other fixtures. HJK should qualify, RoPS have a decent chance and MIFK.... well a tiny.

Honka -1.25 @ 1.90

Early bet for tonight.In this league Honka 6 latest are 6 wins with a 23-0 goal diff. I would had set the line at 2. Obviously Excel is singing loudly at some places as the odds have risen to 2.1 after the pic was taken.

That dropped quickly in live betting, -0.5 @ 2 after 15 minutes.


FIN football June 18th quick review

A few thoughts of what happened on Saturday in FIN top leagues.

At Veikkausliiga the BIG match was played at SJK 's new arena which does have the most stupid sponsor name ever - OmaSP - but which was otherwise highly praised.

SJK vs HJK 2-3

Entertaining match which could had also been the other way around. Both have their strenghts and weaknesses and balance seems to be hard to find. SJKExit and HJKExit to follow soon in the European cups.

RoPS vs Ilves 1-0

RoPS missed a lot of players due rotation and injuries and the "wise money" was on Ilves +hc here. Not without a reason, but it still is the goals that count in the table and nothing else. A decent performance by Ilves, again.

HIFK vs Lahti 2-2

Last time HIFK won a match was 28.4 3-2 win over then under-performing KuPS and since then - and before - their play has looked like a mid-table Ykkönen club. HIFK will host AIK in a friendly on June 21st, and as both have promised to play with optimal squads there is no change coming soon to the that run anytime soon. 

Neither of them produced any winning moves and perhaps neither of them to win is very justified. Lahti have a cup match vs HJK next week. Good luck! Solovjev will be suspended, one of the pearls of the early season.

Asian odds for Sunday below. VPS vs PK-35 has been declared to be postponed days ago but it still remains on the list at most bookies. That tells quite a lot about how deeply they are interested in info of the single matches. That match is to be played in mid-July.


One match at Ykkönen, JJK vs KTP 3-0 and the result tells it all. Added bad news for KTP is the extra time red card for key midfielder Shane McFaul. Two match ban for nothing after the match has been buried. No hope of promotion to KTP, and in all honesty JJK do not deserve it either and the biggest architect for the win was one single player, Mikko Manninen.


Åland vs Klubi 4-1. Nothing surprising there even if also the home side is mediocre at best. Klubi-04 is a big failure, and the good idea of giving youth players valuable playing time at men's leagues has been ruined by - in my eyes at least - bad coaching and too idealistic tikitaka approach. The kids are simply not good enough to keep the ball 100% of the time, and they make massive defence errors and attack way too slowly and predictably.  Klubi-04 is the most boring club at home, they can keep the ball in their own half for minutes without anything happening, until the miss the ball in some easy sideways pass. Not blaming the kids for what they do, but the manager and the whole organization, this style does not prepare the kids to anything really and most of them will be buried in hobby leagues in a few years time.

FC Espoo vs Viikingit 0-1. I was there, and I wish I were not. Another very poor Espoo match but this time they got what they deserved which is absolutely nothing. Espoo being without a loss before yesterday was the biggest anomaly of the whole FIN season so far. Both will be fighting for survival for the rest of the season.

MPS vs KuFu got postponed. Nothing wrong there as the weather has been deadly poor for the last days, but there is something wrong in the way they handled it. KuFu drove half a day from Kuopio only to hear an hour before the match that it can not be played because the pitch is at unplayable condition, and it was already changed from their regular ground to an artificial one... hope that they play the postponed match in Kuopio. It would only be fair, wouldn't it?

VIFK vs MuSa 0-3. No reliable source to say anything about this, but the result is no big surprise. VIFK missed players, markets reacted by backing the visitors.

At women's league PK-35 lost their first match of the season at the abouts only place it could happen, away at TPS. TPS took an early 2-0 lead after 2 minutes! PK-35 did try some silly experiments last week defensively and obviously those have continued, but TPS have been in super form and I am happy to give them credit over this. At Honka vs TiPS the home side rotated key players and it took them 43 minutes to score the first goal and even that was an undeserved penalty. 4-0 FT is far from a surprise, the asian handicap was set at 3 goals.  HJK got a 0-2 away win at ONS in a 50/50 match, and Ilves with a -2.25 hc won NiceFutis more or less easily 2-0. One of the major betting ideas locally was Pallokissat to beat Åland Utd and local dropped odds to 1.65 during the afternoon, but home side won only the top chances 3-1 and both failed to score. Åland still missing Cynthia Uwak, god only knows why.



Busy Sunday

Another cup of coffee while waiting for lineups, and another...

Gnistan vs PePo FT 1-0, full-time stats

I discussed this case elsewhere as an example of how easily - and wrong - local bookie Veikkaus change their odds during the holiday season when regular traders are apparently not available.

Gnistan who top the table were priced at 1.45, which already was kind of short even with ideal lineups. In got dropped to 1.27 after lineups had been published. Lineups which showed 6 regular starters missing but obviously the big audience had made their mind that Gnistan wins, and Veikkaus had no balls or expertise to stand behind their 1.45.

Gnistan suffered even a few injuries during the match which naturally could not be predicted, but still the final score 1-0 was a big steal. I am posting this to help you understand how easily the local markets can be moved or closed during the most interesting football period, and then often the bigger money follow in Asia and there are very confusing odds and rumours.

Match stats below, but I was there to witness myself that Gnistan were at no point the better team on the pitch.


New bookie at Sportmarket - Galaxy

Another bookie that is hard to find otherwise. Here is an excerpt of today 's Newsletter:

EURO 2016 + new bookmaker10 June 2016
EURO 2016 

EURO 2016 is taking off in less than an hour. We wish all our customers the best of luck and as always you get the most out of your betting by using Sportmarket Pro.

Current odds for the opening game half an hour before start on the main asian handicaps are:

France -1,25 1,96  Romania + 1,25 2,00

Over 2,25 1,862  Under 2,25 2,11


Since a couple of days back Sportmarket Pro supports betting on TEAM TOTALS. In order to see the oddds you need to tick HOME TEAM GOALS / AWAY TEAM GOALS from "Settings" and click "Save Changes".

We expect the volumes on team totals to be good for EURO 2016 and for example Pinnacle seems to take around €10,000 "per click" pre-game.


We are making every effort to add more sportsbooks in Sportmarket Pro and today we are launching with a sportsbook called GALAXY that have the shortage ga288 in our system. GALAXY is another sportsbook focusing on soccer and Asian Handicap.

As you know we already cover the main sportsbooks (PIN, IBC, SBO, ISN and BF) plus some smaller ones. The main ones will offer the best odds probably 90% or more of the times. However, adding another sportsbook means that you sometimes get a better odds and it is useful if you want to bet bigger amounts and take a bit lower odds to get a bigger volume placed.

In order to make it possible for us business wise to add GALAXY we will charge a commission amounting to 0,5% on winnings if a bet is placed with them. As with the bet-exchanges this commission is always "included" in the odds you see on the betslip. When placing the bet you get a higher odds and then commission is deducted the day after.

Charging a small commission on bets with new smaller books will make it possible for us to add more sportsbooks, even it we are not an agent for them, in the future. Hopefully we can yhen offer more sportsbooks, and also some focusing on US-sports in the future.

Highlights HIFK vs PK-35 FT 1-2

Lineups KontU vs BK-46

KontU definitely not gong to score a lot, but I expect them to make life difficult for BK too. It is another hot Friday night at Kontula!

Gnistan miss about 6 regular starters but still remain as favourites. Far from value with -1.5 ahc though. Visitors are nothing special either but all key players are in.


FIN cup 1/8-finals

Remember these if you are planning some Veikkausliiga bets this weekend! Or Ykkönen. Or anything.