
Refugees and the World Cup

Those of you who have been following me for a longer time know that I do support Bjorn Heidenstrom in his ambititious project The Shirt, which is there to raise awareness of the refeguee issue in Africa.

Bjorn has been on the road by a bike since June, he started from Oslo, Norway and after visiting the European countries and also sleeping on my humble couch his travels have taken him to Africa.

You should follow his trip. You really should and can start by following the link.


A commission of 10 % of all subscription fees made before the World Cup starts will be paid out to United Nations Refugee Agency. It is not much, but it is the least I can I do and also a tribute to Bjorn. We should not forget the less fortunate ones.

1 kommentti:

  1. sat with bjorn in kenya.good to have coverage from finland.kiipis!
