I have received direct feedback through email regarding my service from an obviously disappointed customer.
As translated it says pretty much that I should explain myself why I have taken a certain bet or only a bunchful of bets during a day when it could had been understood in Newsletter that there are more value bets available.
A dilemma this is which I have explained from the start. The odds move during the day. There is more or less info coming after the Newsletter is sent and finding the balance when there is enough info to make the decision is the core problem. I have tried to say that my own stats here can not represent the reality of the customers, my own picks often drop the odds a bit, and then become unavailable. Sometimes they rise again, and finding the reasons behind is very challenging. I have tried to optimize the amount of good bets for me and for the customers, and I can guarantee it is a challenge!
To give you an example of what makes this problematic; today I did suggest as my own pick Atlantis +0,5 @ 1.87, but as I was waiting for the time to publish the Newsletter I did not even get it myself. It could happen that it rises again back to that level, some of the customers may take it and if the bet loses they lose - and I have no bet in my own stats. On the other hand, if I take it myself early then it would had been even more likely that the price drops, and my options would be to suggest it at 1.82, or publish no suggestion at all. For the record, there will be no Atlantis bet in my stats for today, regardless the outcome, because I do not have it with real money and keeping virtual stats would be fooling everyone. I might also take some other bet after big market moves, or if I receive new info - or for any other reason.
Therefore it is guaranteed that my stats would not be the same than any of yours, but I keep on fighting to give you the best possible information while at the same time trying to profitable with my own bets. It is not too much to ask I suppose?
This has been an interesting and educating process - a project actually - a learning experience as i have tried to study the market movements in depth, the reasons, the mecanism, the timing, the money involved and needed to drop the odds.
The process is not finished, it is more like a start. A beginning. Naturally, if this particular customer - "E" - here fulfils his threat to "give max. effort to destroy the service" then I have to find a new form to it.
Any feedback is naturally welcome here as well, unedited. The forum is all yours.
Well, it's hard to keep everyone happy I guess. But in the end it is actually up to the receiver of the newsletter to decide what to do with the info. I myself read it, do some own studying and then place the bet after that...usually end up with 3-4 bets during the 12+ matchdays.
Thanks for the feedback. Of course it is very true that there is room for more sharpness, the approach for trying to get a proper view for every match has proved to be impossible.