
The Future of The Newsletter

It is and has been an interesting learning opportunity, a laboratory so to speak. I am not quite finished with it yet, and there are some more things I need to sort out - which means that at least for July we go pretty much the same way we have been doing lately. The emphasis is in the lower leagues, there are more games, there is much more value, but the market moves and the general timing of the whole service make this a challenging project indeed.

Along the way I have been getting valuable help from the customers and colleagues and a lot of information has been passed. It is one thing I have learned with customer service and marketing early on and which should be remembered at all times;

" We are on the same side".

If only people in restaurants for example would understand it, the better behaviour and exact orders you give to the staff, the easier it is to please them and as a final outcome everyone should be happy.

There has been a lot of interest from more or less organized betting people from both sides of the fence, and naturally I am interested in everything, but the priority is to be loyal to my existing customers - big or small - and sleep well at nights.

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