
Ykkönen promotion and relegation battle

It looks good for RoPS and Viikingit now, the latter specially given the easy-looking fixture list. Of course all Viikingit opponents are in the relegation fight (well MP is well gone by now)  and fully motivated, but on the other hand they are there for a reason.  At the bottom the third relegation spot is a fight between JIPPO, TPV and Hämeenlinna, unfortunately they have no mutual games left.


RoPS 45 PK35 Hämeenlinna KooTeePee
Viikingit 43 JIPPO TPV MP
PoPa 41 Espoo PK35 Klubi04

Kemi 30 MP KooTeePee Hämeenlinna
KooTeePee 29 Klubi04 Kemi RoPS
JiPPo 27 Viikingit Klubi04 OPS
TPV 26 KPV Viikingit Espoo
Hämeenlinna 25 OPS RoPS Kemi
Klubi04 17

MP 16

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